Tainted: Eduardo Sarabia

2013 Museum of Contemporary Art

Denver, CO. United States of America

Eduardo Sarabia’s Tainted features a series of paintings of everyday images covered with daubs of colored paint. The images, which appear to be family snapshots, often show people in the sunshine, near the water, looking as if they might be smiling for the camera. However, it is impossible to tell for certain because the faces are obscured with swirls of paint. Interestingly, the clouds of paint covering the images somehow manage to be obstructive without being discordant. The color palette of the splotches matches that of the photos it obscures. They are paintings on paintings–illustrating the duality of reality and illusion–as relevant to life as it is to art.

© Eduardo Sarabia 2019

Tainted: Eduardo Sarabia

2013 Museum of Contemporary Art

Denver, CO. United States of America

Eduardo Sarabia’s Tainted features a series of paintings of everyday images covered with daubs of colored paint. The images, which appear to be family snapshots, often show people in the sunshine, near the water, looking as if they might be smiling for the camera. However, it is impossible to tell for certain because the faces are obscured with swirls of paint. Interestingly, the clouds of paint covering the images somehow manage to be obstructive without being discordant. The color palette of the splotches matches that of the photos it obscures. They are paintings on paintings–illustrating the duality of reality and illusion–as relevant to life as it is to art.